All The Trucks In Forza Horizon 4
- Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10 [Achievement Difficulty Rating]
- Offline: 44 [890]
- Online: 11 [110]
- Approximate amount of time to 1000: 75-100 Hours [Estimated Time to 100% ]
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
- Missable achievements: None
- Does difficulty affect achievements: No, but you gain more credits on higher difficulties
- Unobtainable/glitched achievements: Maybe ["Antique Restorer" and "The Noisy Cartographer"]
- Extra equipment needed: None, but the Mixer app can help level up faster
- DLC: Title Update
- Difficulty: 4/10
- Time to 500
: 6-10 Hours
- Unobtainable: None
Welcome to Forza Horizon 4, an open world racing game set in a fictionalized version of the United Kingdom. Featuring over 450 cars and more freedom than ever before you can choose how you become the Horizon champion. Players can choose to play alone, cooperatively or join multiplayer for casual fun or ranked teams. A new feature in the Forza Horizon world is dynamic seasons that change as you play, letting you master driving in all types of seasons. The series allows you to own property and customize your drivers too.
Abbreviated Walkthrough:
As soon as you're done with the intro race you'll want to go after " Welcome to New Horizon " before you do anything else. Once you do you'll unlock online mode and the ability to gain influence using the mixer app. THIS article explains how to use Mixer to gain influence.
Once you do that you'll have the ability to work on pretty much anything in the game. Its an open world racer so here's where you start working on a lot of the single player racing achievements (ranking up events, driving down roads and smashing boards). Make sure you are logged into the online server and keep an eye out for #FORZATHON Live Events. They randomly spawn and you only have a certain amount of time to reach an them. They are indicated on your map with a pink circle and the narrator will announce one is available. You'll need these events to unlock " There's No 'I' in Team ," " Teamwork Makes the Dream Work ," and " Life of the Party ."
Since the game is an open world racer as long as you're logged into the Horizon servers you can work on multiplayer achievements any time. Here is where you'll focus on online races like Team Adventure, co-op races and PvP races. You can grab some friends and knock these out or play against others online.
At this point you'll probably be focusing on driving on all the roads, getting 3 stars on stunts and leveling up to 200 if you haven't gotten there already.
Title Update DLC
Abbreviated Playthrough:
In this free DLC, you'll have access to all of these events in the main game. You can tackle each event in any order you like. Getting 3 stars on each story chapter will be the most challenging thing you do. Overall it's a great mix of story, activities, and online racing that shouldn't give you too much trouble.
Overall this game shouldn't be too difficult to complete. It's a solid racer in the Forza Horizon series with a great mix of racing and fun actives that shouldn't give you too much trouble.
[XBA would like to thank Spanish Assault for this Roadmap]
Arrive at the Horizon Festival.
When you start the game you'll do an introductory race where you'll go through all four seasons. Once you're done with the race the achievement will unlock.
Qualify for Horizon Autumn.
After you finish the introductory race you'll have the ability to start some events and earn influence. As you finish each race you'll earn influence towards your rank and qualifying for Horizon Autumn. Earn enough influence and you'll unlock this achievement.
Qualify for Horizon Winter.
As you work on qualifying for Autumn showcase and earning influence, you'll be working on qualifying for Horizon Winter. Once you earn enough influence you'll be asked to head back to the Horizon Hub and the achievement will unlock.
Apply your first Car Mastery.
As you race in a vehicle you'll earn skill points. In the start menu look under the Cars section for the Car Mastery option. That section is where you use your skill points. Each car has its own lists of skill rewards you can buy. Usually the first skill perk you can buy is only 1 skill point. Buy that and the achievement will unlock.
Qualify for Horizon Spring.
You'll repeat what you did when you were unlocking Winter but for spring time. Earn enough influence to unlock the winter showcase and to unlock Spring, then the achievement will unlock.
Qualify for the Horizon Roster.
You'll repeat what you did when you were unlocking Spring but for the Horizon Roster. Earn enough influence to unlock the Spring showcase and get invited to the Horizon Roster. As soon as you're invited the achievement will unlock.
Complete 5 Horizon Life Co-op Races.
Any event can be done alone or in co-op. This can easily be boosted with a friend that joins your world. Simply drive to an event and select co-op. Complete 5 co-op races and the achievement will unlock.
Similar to " Jolly Cooperation " but instead of co-op choose PVP in any racing event. When you complete 5 races the achievement will unlock.
Take part in your first #FORZATHON Live Event.
#FORZATHON Live Events randomly spawn in your world when you are logged online. The narrator will announce that one is available and will be indicated on your map with a pink circle. You'll have a limited amount of time to enter these events so drop what you're doing and head out to them. Once you complete your first event the achievement will unlock.
Complete Round 3 of a #FORZATHON Live Event.
Once you are in a #FORZATHON Live Event just make sure you finish all three rounds. These events are group actives like jumping danger signs, speed traps and speed zones. You'll be working toward a group goal in these events so you can keep doing the activity until the goal is met. Once you complete all three rounds the achievement will unlock.
Take part in 20 #FORZATHON Live Events, completing at least Round 1 in each.
Similar to " There's No 'I' in Team ," continue to enter the #FORZATHON Live Events until you've participated in 20 of them. Once you've played in 20 events the achievement will unlock.
Complete every Showcase Event.
As you progress to unlock " Welcome to a New Horizon ," you'll unlock and compete in 3 out of the 5 total showcases. Continue to gain influence and you unlock the final two. The icons for these events are bigger then normal events and they list that they are a showcase. Complete all 5 and the achievement will unlock.
Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Road Racing Series.
This road racing series is indicated on your map and is blue in color. Simply continue to complete these events to earn influence and rank up. After each race you'll get a progress bar for your in game rank as well as your Road Series rank. Once you reach rank 10 in these events you'll unlock the final event, Colossus, and unlock the achievement.
Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Dirt Racing Series.
Similar to how you unlocked " Colossus of Roads " you'll continue to compete in Dirt racing events till you get to level 10. These events are orange in color. Once you reach level 10 in the series the achievement will unlock.
Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Cross Country Series.
Similar to how you unlocked " Colossus of Roads " you'll continue to compete in Cross Country events till you get to level 10. These events are green in color. Once you reach level 10 in the series the achievement will unlock.
Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Drag Racing Series.
Similar to how you unlocked " Colossus of Roads " you'll continue to compete in The Drag Strip events till you get to level 10. These events are red in color. Once you reach level 10 in the series the achievement will unlock.
Reach Round 10 of Street Scene.
Similar to how you unlocked " Colossus of Roads " you'll continue to compete in Street Scene events till you get to level 10. These events are dark blue in color. Once you reach level 10 in the series the achievement will unlock.
Unlock 100 clothing items for your character.
You unlock clothing by leveling up, wheel spins and purchasing homes. Simply acquire 100 pieces of clothing and this achievement will unlock.
Smash all 200 Bonus Boards.
On the map you'll notice purple boards that you can smash through. Some of these can be difficult to reach and you'll need to unlock ramps in danger sign events to reach them. Smash all 200 of them and the achievement will unlock.
Special thanks to Darth VeX for posting a map with all bonus board locations located HERE .
Reach Speed Trap Hero level 10.
Speed traps are indicated by a white sign with a red border with a picture of a camera. If you hover over the event in your map it will indicate its a speed trap and list the star requirements. As you race by them you'll acquire a star rating which helps you rank up in this event. Keep speeding through this and aim for 2-3 stars. Once you hit level 10 your achievement will unlock.
Reach Speed Zone Hero level 10.
Speed zones are indicated by a white sign with a red border with a picture of two cameras. If you hover over the event in your map it will indicate its a speed zone and list the star requirements. As you race by them you'll acquire a star rating which helps you rank up in this event. Keep speeding through this and aim for 2-3 stars. Once you hit level 10 your achievement will unlock.
Reach Danger Sign Hero level 10.
Danger Signs are indicated by a white sign with a red border with a exclamation point. If you hover over the event in your map it will indicate its a danger sign and list the star requirements. As you jump through them you'll acquire a star rating which helps you rank up in this event. Keep jumping through these and aim for 2-3 stars. Once you hit level 10 your achievement will unlock.
Reach level 10 in The Drift Run.
Drift Zones are indicated by a white sign with a red border with a picture of a car drifting. If you hover over the event in your map it will indicate its a drift zone and list the star requirements. As you participate in them you'll acquire a star rating which helps you rank up in this event. Keep drifting through this and aim for 2-3 stars. Once you hit level 10 your achievement will unlock.
Find and restore your first Barn Find.
Barn finds are cars that were abandoned through out the game. As you progress in the game You'll get hints where they are located and mark that area with a Purple Circle. Once you get close enough to one a cut scene will start showing you your find. You'll be told that the car is being restored and to check back later. Once you get the notification that the barn find is restored, travel back to your garage and accept the new car to your collection. Once you do this the achievement will unlock.
Special thanks to jroller1979 for finding a great article with all barn finds HERE .
Find and restore 15 Barn Finds.
As you progress in the game and go through the seasons, you'll unlock hints for each Barn Find. Keep in mind that some barn finds are tied to a specific season. You also have to purchase Bamburg Castle (10 million Credits) to get one of the barn find hints.
Changing the date on your Xbox to speed up the seasons may cause this achievement to become glitched.
Special thanks to jroller1979 for finding a great article with all barn finds HERE .
Beauty spots are indicated on your map by purple squares that are smaller than event squares. Just drive up to one and press
to enter the beauty spot. There are 12 total and once you've viewed all 12 the achievement will unlock.
Special thanks to jroller1979 for his map of beauty spots located HERE .
Finish 40 different Horizon Story chapters.
There are four story events with 10 chapters each. Theses events are yellow in color. Just complete each chapter in each event and the achievement will unlock.
Get 100 stars in Horizon Stories.
There are 120 stars to earn in Horizon Stories so you don't need to get 3 stars in every event. Once you unlock 100 stars the achievement will unlock.
jroller1979 posted some helpful videos on how to get all stars HERE .
Complete a #FORZATHON Weekly Challenge.
Weekly challenges are listed under the Horizon life menu in the seasonal #FORZATHON tab. Complete each listed challenge in order to unlock the achievement.
There are two castles you can buy in this game and both are pretty expensive. Edinburgh Castle and Bamburgh Castle. Bamburgh is cheaper (10 Million Credits) so I'd focus on that one. You also get bonuses for buying them. One you have enough credits buy the castle and the achievement will unlock.
Bamburgh Castle also gives you a rumor you need to help with " Antique Restorer ."
Get your first Forza Edition Car from a Wheelspin.
As you progress in game you'll earn wheelspins that unlock cars, emotes, horns and credits. You'll know you unlocked a Forza Edition car cause it will trigger some dialogue from the announcer. As soon as you win the car the achievement will unlock.
In the start menu, under Home, you'll see a Welcome Back tile. In there are details on the current seasons trail. It will be indicated on your map with a red event tile with a lion head. Make sure when you start the event you SIGN UP for it and not choose to "make it a normal event" as that will not allow you to get the achievement. Once you do the 2-3 events required to complete the Trial the achievement will unlock. You don't have to win the event just complete it.
Complete your first Team Adventure.
In the start menu, choose the Team Adventure tab and select 'Search Team Adventure'. Team Adventure consist of 5 events. Once you complete all 5 events from beginning to end in one sitting the achievement will unlock.
Reach level 5 in Racing Team Adventure, Games Team Adventure, or Anything Goes Team Adventure.
Once you complete " First-Time Adventurer " just continue to do Team Adventures. As you complete events your level will increase. After every event is complete you'll see a progress bar with your rank. Simply reach level 5 and the achievement will unlock.
Qualify for a League in Ranked Team Adventure.
Once you reach Rank 3 in Team Adventure, you can switch to the ranked version of Team Adventure. After you complete one Team Adventure match, you'll be placed in a league and the achievement will unlock.
Complete a Season Championship and receive a reward.
Under the Horizon Life menu is the Season Planner tab. Click on that to see the seasonal championship races going on currently. Once you enter an event it will show you three awards you can earn. Just focus on the easiest of the three and meet the qualifications while completing all the races in the championship (ex. finish third against average drivatars). Once you complete the first race the additional races will pop on your map for a limited time so make sure you complete them all. Once you do and meet the qualifications of the award the achievement will unlock.
Complete a Season PR Stunt and receive a reward.
On your menu map select the filter for PR stunts only and find it on your map. These stunts are only available for a certain amount of time so if there isn't one you might have to quit out and start up the game again. Once you find one hover over it to see the additional requirement for an award. Once you complete the requirement and are awarded the award the achievement will unlock.
In Rivals, beat a Rival without receiving a "dirty time" penalty.
Using the Drag Race event at the Horizon Festival makes this achievement easy. Since this is a drag race it will be difficult to get a dirty time. Choose a rival and try and beat his time. As soon as you do the achievement will unlock.
Spin your first Super Wheelspin.
Super Wheelspins are basically three wheelspins in one. There are several different ways to get a Super Wheelspin (comes with the VIP pass, awarded for playing prior Forza games, hitting certain levels). Once you complete the wheelspin the achievement will unlock.
Get 3 stars on every PR Stunt.
PR stunts are events that are white with a red border. You have to get 3 stars on every event to unlock this achievement. By hovering over each event on your map you will see what qualifications you need to get 3 stars in that event. Each event is different so you'll have to use cars that are best for each event (fast cars for speed zones, cars that drift well for drift zones, etc.) Once you get 3 stars on all events the achievement will unlock.
Buy your first car from the Autoshow.
You can access the auto show from the Forza Horizon Hub or your garage at home. Simply purchase your first car from the Auto show and the achievement will unlock.
Win a race at The Colossus, The Gauntlet, The Titan or The Marathon.
These events are unlocked by leveling up in each class (Road Racing series, Dirt Racing series, etc.). Once you unlock the main event in a series race and win that event the achievement will unlock. You only have to win one of the listed events for the achievement to unlock.
Drive down every road in Britain.
As you drive around Britain you'll notice roads you haven't driven on yet are grey. Simply drive over each road to unlock it. Once you've driven down all roads the achievement will unlock.
**Several members are saying this achievement unlocks before you drive over every road**
Apply every Car Mastery available for a single car.
Just like you did in " Optional Extras " continue to unlock skill perks for the same vehicle. Use the trick shown in the video for " Coronation Trickin' " to unlock skill points for you car. When you unlocked all perks for a vehicle the achievement will unlock.
Continue to do what you did for " At One with the Car " for other vehicles. Once you've reached 50 total Skill perks the achievement will unlock.
As you progress in the game and win races you'll unlock influence that ranks you up. After each event there is a progress bar showing you your current level. Once you reach level 20 the achievement will unlock.
Keep in mind using the Mixer app to watch streams or stream your gameplay will make this a lot easier.
Gain Superstar Status by reaching Level 200.
Similar to " Accomplished Driver " you rank up using influence. Leaving the Mixer app on your PC on over night watching a stream of Forza Horizon 4 will net you 50-75,000 influence per night making this achievement a lot easier. See THIS article for details on how to gain influence on Mixer.
Complete a race of 3 or more laps at The Goliath in a Forza Edition Car.
You unlock The Goliath by reaching level 20 in the Road Racing series. Once you've unlocked the race use the car you've unlocked in " Special Edition " and complete a 3-lap race to unlock the achievement.
An alternative to this is to find a community blueprint for a 3-lap race on Goliath to use your Forza Edition car in that race. Saving you time from ranking up to level 20 in the Road Racing series.
Complete a PvP Showdown Race in an X class and a D class car.
You have to own a car with an X class and a D class to unlock this achievement. You can purchase tuning kits to make one of your S class cars an X class. Drive over to the Forza Horizon festival and load up that Drag Strip event. Make sure you choose PvP and complete it with a X class car and then a D class car to unlock the achievement.
Complete the Festival Drag Strip in a Hot Hatch in under 25 seconds.
Using the same event you unlocked " Tortoise and the Hare " make sure you have a Hot Hatch car in your inventory (filter you cars by class and select Hot Hatch as the type of car). Then complete the drag event in under 25 seconds. If you are having trouble with your car purchase a tuning kit to upgrade your class for your Hot Hatch car. Once you beat the event in under 25 seconds the achievement will unlock.
Get 258mph on a Speed Trap in the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.
You'll need to purchase the Bugatti Veyron from the Auto show or the Auction House. Simply post a time of 258 MPH on a speed trap. Once you post that time or better the achievement will unlock.
Get 3 stars at a Danger Sign in a vehicle from the Trucks Car Type.
The easiest way to get this is to buy the Mercedes Benz Tankpool 24. It's 500,000 credits in the autos show but I picked one up at the auction house for 150,000 credits. Travel to the danger sign event titled Ambleside Edge and get 3 stars in that jump. Once you land the achievement will unlock.
Bank a Skill Chain of 195,300 or more points.
This is a lot easier than it sounds. As you race, you generate a Skill Chain for doing things like going fast, drafting behind cars, passing and more. The skill chain stays active and multiples the longer you keep it going uninterrupted. Crashing into walls, building, large trees or using rewind will end your skill tree. I got this driving off-road on hilly terrain. Just continue to alternate between skills (airborne, drifting, speed, landscaping, etc.) Unlocking perks in your cars mastery that relate to Skill Chain helps as well. I got my skill chain up to 35,000 with a x6 multiplier to unlock the achievement. See the video below.
Win a race in the Peel P50.
To unlock this achievement you'll need a Peel P50 car. Its one of the barn finds you get while working on " Antique Restorer ". Simply win a race in an event in this car and the achievement will unlock.
Complete a race in an S1 class Rally Monster.
You'll need a car from the Rally Monster category to unlock this achievement. Simply compete an event while in this car to unlock the achievement.
Secret achievements
There are 24 achievements with a total of 500 points
Set up the Horizon Festival on Fortune Island.
Reach Round Two of the Island Conqueror.
Reach Round Five of the Island Conqueror.
Reach Round Ten of the Island Conqueror.
Find/Smash your first Treasure Chest.
Find/Smash 5 Treasure Chests.
Find/Smash all 10 Treasure Chests.
Drive every Road in Fortune Island.
Complete Round 3 of a #Forzathon Live Event on Fortune Island.
Complete a Seasonal Championship on Fortune Island.
Earn 21 Stars in Drift Club on Fortune Island.
Earn at least 1 star at a Trailblazer Gate.
Get 3 Stars on every Drift Zone on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Trailblazer Gate on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Speed Zone on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Speed Trap on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Danger Sign on Fortune Island.
Complete The Kraken in less than 6 minutes in the Saleen S5S Raptor.
Get 3 stars on the Needle Fall Danger Sign in the Morris Minor Traveller.
3 Star the The Forest Run Trailblazer Gate in the Peel P50.
Complete The Leviathan in less than 8 minutes in the Ford Fiesta ST RX43.
Get over 180mph in the Koenigsegg CC8S at the Lady On The Lake Speed Trap.
Get a time of 40 seconds or better in the Exomotive Exocet at the Halcyon Point Trailblazer Gate.
Secret achievements
Come First in the Fortune Island Finale Races - The Leviathan and The Kraken.
There are 18 achievements with a total of 500 points
Complete the first chapter of "British Racing Green".
Find the yellow story icon labeled British Racing Green and complete the first chapter of the event. Story events are challenges tied to a specific car provided by the event and a predetermined route.
Complete ten chapters of "British Racing Green".
Complete all 10 chapters of this story event and the achievement will unlock.
Earn 30 stars on "British Racing Green".
As you start a chapter event you will have the ability to select 'solo' or 'co-op,' then 'next chapter' or 'select chapter.' When you choose 'select chapter' you will see the requirements for getting 3 stars in each chapter. You need to 3-star all 10 chapters to unlock each event's achievement.
Stars are earned by completing all three tiers of the given challenge for that chapter. These challenges are chapter-specific, but they fall into a few general types that apply to all chapters and events. Here is a video that shows how to obtain these stars.
Complete the first chapter of "Isha's Taxis".
Find the yellow story icon labeled Isha's Taxis and complete the first chapter of the event. Story events are challenges tied to a specific car provided by the event and a predetermined route.
Complete ten chapters of "Isha's Taxis".
Complete all 10 chapters of this story event and the achievement will unlock.
Earn 30 stars on "Isha's Taxis".
Refer to " A Pleasant Racing Green " for more information.
Complete the first chapter of "Skill Streak".
Find the yellow story icon labeled Skill Streak and complete the first chapter of the event. Story events are challenges tied to a specific car provided by the event and a predetermined route.
Complete ten chapters of "Skill Streak".
Complete all 10 chapters of this story event and the achievement will unlock.
Earn 30 stars on "Skill Streak".
Refer to " A Pleasant Racing Green " for more information.
Complete 3 Blueprint Events created by other players.
Fast travel to the horizon Festival and start up the drag race there (Red race event). Start up a race and choose 'custom events' in Community Blueprints. Race in the same event 3 times to unlock the achievement.
Win all Seasonal Championships in one Spring season.
Each season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter) has its own Championship series. When you first log into the game it will display which season it is and list the available Championships to compete in. For each season's corresponding achievement, you will need to complete all the Championship races in that season.
Simply enter and win each Championship race to unlock each season's corresponding achievement. Difficulty doesn't affect these achievements, and seasonal playground games and PR stunts are not needed for them.
The seasons change automatically in-game after a certain amount of time.
It's recommended that you do all Championship racing for a single season in one sitting since the tracker can be buggy.
Win all Seasonal Championships in one Summer season.
Refer to " Spring Into Racing " for more information.
Win all Seasonal Championships in one Autumn season.
Refer to " Spring Into Racing " for more information.
Win all Seasonal Championships in one Winter season.
Refer to " Spring Into Racing " for more information.
Complete 1 Weekly and 7 Daily #FORZATHON activities in the same week.
When you first start up the game you will start out at the Festival Playlist screen which will have all of your daily and weekly #FORZATHON activities to complete. These activities are random challenges you can complete throughout the Forza Horizon world. Once you complete all events in one week the achievement will unlock. They all must be done in the same week.
Complete 3 consecutive #FORZATHON Live events.
Similar to " There's No 'I' in Team " just complete 3 #FORZATHON Live events in a row to unlock this achievement. These events will spawn once every hour and you will have to do 3 events over the course of 3 hours. Skipping an event or leaving the game has been known to reset your streak so it's recommended that you do this in one sitting.
Play your first unranked Free-for-All Adventure.
In your pause menu select Quickplay Adventure and then Free-for All Racing. Once you have completed all 5 rounds the achievement will unlock.
Get ranked in Free-for-All Adventure.
Continue playing Ranked Free-for-All Races like you did in " Time for an Adventure! " until you are rank 3 which will allow you to play Ranked races. Now complete 10 ranked races (all 5 events) to become ranked, which will unlock this achievement.
There are 30 achievements with a total of 500 points
Arrive at your Master Builder's LEGO® Baseplate.
Start building your Master Builder's House.
Have your House visited by some unexpected guests.
Become a Master Builder by finishing your House.
Win the LEGO® Speed Champions F40 event.
Earn 3 stars from the Airport Leap Danger Sign twice in under 45 seconds.
Win the LEGO® Speed Champions Senna event.
Become the Speed Champion.
Discover the LEGO® Speed Champions Barn Find.
Earn all stars possible from Drift Zones in LEGO® Valley.
Earn all stars possible from Trailblazers in LEGO® Valley.
Earn all stars possible from Speed Zones in LEGO® Valley.
Earn all stars possible from Speed Traps in LEGO® Valley.
Earn all stars possible from Danger Signs in LEGO® Valley.
Earn 27 Stars in the LEGO® Speed Champions Horizon Story.
Complete all the Race Events in LEGO® Valley.
Win all the Race Events in LEGO® Valley.
Discover all the roads in LEGO® Valley.
Smash all Bonus Boards in LEGO® Valley.
Collect all Alien Debris in LEGO® Valley.
Unlock the Brick Challenge 'Danish Hasty' then maintain 200mph in the LEGO® F40 for 10 seconds.
Complete the LEGO® Goliath in the LEGO® McLaren Senna.
In the LEGO® Mini Cooper, drive from the Oasis Island to Lighthouse in under 1 minute 45 seconds.
Smash 500 Bonus Cubes in LEGO® Valley.
Complete all 'Event' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'PR Stunt' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'Collectable' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'Discovery' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'Skill' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'Smashable' Brick Challenges.
There are 12 achievements with a total of 250 points
Complete the first chapter of ''The Top Gear Horizon Special''.
Earn 3 stars on the first chapter of ''The Top Gear Horizon Special''.
Complete seven chapters of ''The Top Gear Horizon Special''.
Earn 21 stars on ''The Top Gear Horizon Special''.
Complete the first chapter of ''The Car Files''.
Complete ten chapters of ''The Car Files''.
Earn 30 stars on ''The Car Files''.
Complete all Seasonal Championships in a Festival Playlist Series.
Complete all Seasonal PR Stunts in a Festival Playlist Series.
Earn 1 Season Completion Bonus.
Earn all 8 Season Completion Bonuses in the same Series.
Complete all activities in a single Festival Playlist Series.
There are 15 achievements with a total of 250 points
Play your first game of The Eliminator.
Drive 10 different cars in The Eliminator.
Play 25 games of The Eliminator.
Play 50 games of The Eliminator.
Win 25 Head-to-Heads in The Eliminator.
Collect 100 Car Drops in The Eliminator.
Win a Head-to-Head in The Eliminator.
Collect 5 Car Drops within a single game of The Eliminator.
Win 3 Head-to-Head races within a single game of The Eliminator.
Drive a level 10 car in The Eliminator.
Win a game of The Eliminator.
Win a game of The Eliminator without acquiring any Car Drops.
Survive until the Final Showdown in a Level 1 car.
Eliminate a car at least 5 levels higher than you in a Head-to-Head race.
Eliminate a car at least 5 levels lower than you in a Head-to-Head race.
There are 6 achievements with a total of 200 points
Complete the first chapter of the "Upgrade Heroes" story.
Complete all chapters of the "Upgrade Heroes" story.
Earn all 30 stars from the "Upgrade Heroes" story.
Earn 3 stars from Chapter Two of the "Express Delivery" story.
Complete all chapters of the "Express Delivery" story.
Earn all 27 stars from the "Express Delivery" story.
There are 2 achievements with a total of 50 points
Win the LEGO Bugatti Chiron Speed Champions Event
Complete the LEGO Goliath in less than 4 minutes in the LEGO Bugatti Chiron.
There are 7 achievements with a total of 200 points
Get 25 Clean Racing Skills in any A Class Car.
Purchase the Sunflower Meadows Player House.
Take your first picture for Horizon Promo.
Take photos of 200 different cars for Horizon Promo.
Pass the M68 Speed Trap at 190MPH in the 2011 Ford Transit SSV.
Get 100 Near Miss Skills in any S2 Car.
Get 40 Air Skills in any Offroad Buggy.
There are 9 achievements with a total of 160 points
Complete a Challenge Card in Freeroam
Add your first object in Blueprint Builder
Complete your first Horizon Super7
Complete the Horizon Super7 7 times
Reach Level 10 in The Horizon Super7
Complete a Challenge Card in any Hoonigan Car
Complete a Challenge Card in any Hot Wheels Car
Complete 77 Challenge Cards
Place over 10 different objects in your Challenge Card using Blueprint Builder
All The Trucks In Forza Horizon 4